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Learn how LaMonaca Law’s new Strategic Planning program can revolutionize your family law matter.Read More

The Blame Game: How Courts Deal With Marital Misconduct

Category: No Fault Divorce

The Blame Game: How Courts Deal With Marital Misconduct Following last week’s leak of user information for the clandestine dating website AshleyMadison.com, the topic of infidelity has dominated headlines. Much has been written about the anticipated surge in divorce cases following the release of 32 million users’ e-mail addresses, which has many asking whether or […]

Judge Orders Defendant to Marry his Girlfriend – Or Else. A judge in Texas recently ordered a man to marry his 19-year old girlfriend or serve fifteen days in jail as part of the terms of his probation. Josten Bundy pled guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge that stemmed from an altercation with an ex-boyfriend […]

Bringing new meaning to a 50-50 divorce Recently, a German man made headlines for purportedly taking a divorce order to split property quite literally. A You Tube video surfaced that shows the man sawing several items of personal property in half. The items included a car to a computer and even a stuffed teddy bear. […]

Reasons for Divorce: How Many Cats are Too Many Cats? People file for divorce for many different reasons, some stranger than others. Maybe one spouse meets someone new, maybe a couple simply drifts apart, or maybe one spouse adopts 550 cats. There are bizarre and hard to believe stories from all over the globe accounting […]

Changes to the Practice of Family Law The advancement of both information technology and medical science continues to shape the practice of family law, and the future of that practice will likely be far different from its past and much of its present. The increasing presence in the marketplace of Legal Zoom and other purveyors […]

Grounds for Fault Divorce While “fault” divorces in Pennsylvania are rare due to the availability of “no-fault” divorce, it is still possible, where necessary, to establish grounds for divorce through a hearing to allow a party to move forward in advance of the expiration of the 2-year waiting period associated with no-fault divorce without consent. […]

Help Ease the Transitions of Divorce by Using the Family Pet In a previous post, Melissa Towsey explores the question of what happens to a family’s pet in a divorce proceeding. In Pennsylvania, the short answer to that question is simple: pets are treated as property and a such they will be allocated as a […]

You’ve Been Served: Serving Divorce Papers Through Facebook Earlier this week, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Matthew Cooper granted a woman permission to serve divorce papers on her husband through a private Facebook message. The last known address for the husband had been vacated and the post office did not have a forwarding address for him. […]

I Want My Pillow Back: Dividing Personal Property in Divorce A husband and a wife separate, and she moves out of the marital residence into a new apartment. Husband, by virtue of remaining in the marital home, has the vast majority of the parties’ personal property. The parties owned two expensive memory foam pillows, and […]

Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Divorces can be contentious and lengthy, however, there are non-litigation related methods to resolving a divorce available including mediation and collaborative divorce. These methods are not without their negative attributes, but if a couple is resigned to not using the court system to resolve their divorce proceedings, these routes are viable […]



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