Coronavirus Isolation and Domestic Violence
There are mounting concerns about the impact of the isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and increases in domestic violence. Increased levels of stress mean a higher level of volatility, and with families isolated in their homes, it will be more difficult for victims of domestic violence to seek help.
Stress fuels conflict. Many people are struggling with closing businesses, reduction in income, lack of childcare, difficulty obtaining necessities, and other stresses created by the outbreak. In families where violence is already occurring, people will be at increased risk and without as many resources for help. It will not be possible to make a phone call for help in some situations because the abusive spouse is too close by for privacy.
Victims of domestic violence will need more support than ever under the current circumstances. In the days following county-wide shutdowns, there has been an increase in calls for help. Domestic violence victims may need to alter their plans for safety in light of the new circumstances.
We are available to help. Virtual LaMonaca Law allows us to be in touch by phone or video conference, and emergency Protection from Abuse Petitions are being accepted by most courthouses.