Learn how LaMonaca Law’s new Strategic Planning program can revolutionize your family law matter.Read More
Learn how LaMonaca Law’s new Strategic Planning program can revolutionize your family law matter.Read More

Divorce Guide



Welcome to LaMonaca Law and the “Brutally Honest” system. Within this site exist the passion, dedication and heartfelt mission of LaMonaca Law and all of my fellow team members.

Brutally Honest was created by me and my friend (and former custody client), James Grim, to address and confront the considerable difference between family law matters and all other areas of the law. I recognized that, unlike other areas of the law, where individuals may find themselves disputing an issue or an incident, appearing in court to contest the case, and then never seeing each other again, family law matters involve spouses, parents, extended family members, and friends, all of whom will most likely continue to be involved with each other for many years, if not for the rest of their lives.

Additionally, family law matters often include some of the most serious and emotional issues imaginable. At LaMonaca Law, our attorneys handle cases from the most basic to the most extreme. Our team approach is designed to create a “custom fit” that matches the client’s needs, wishes, budget and goals to the individual attorney(s) and/or team members who can best address that client’s unique situation. No two cases are the same and because every case is different, each client needs to be handled differently, based on the unique facts, circumstances and goals that comprise that client’s case.

Within our firm exist decades of experience in the attorneys and other team members who have fought for the rights of our clients throughout the Main Line and beyond, practicing in the counties of Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, Philadelphia, Berks, Lancaster, and, in concert with connections overseas, in international matters as well.

At LaMonaca Law, we are proud to have been able to assist clients with some of the most extreme cases that, frankly speaking, other firms avoid, turn down and/or refer to us. We have helped clients who appear with any number of emotional, psychological, physical and/or addictive conditions. Where other firms may shy away from such cases, at LaMonaca Law, we embrace the needs of our clients, and we work diligently to assist them, starting with the initial meeting, and continuing through the end of the case, and many times beyond. We recognize that whether the client’s family law matter involves basic issues or the most complex problems, the client’s emotional needs and underlying condition must be considered and addressed with care, compassion and empathy. We have an extensive list of outside professionals to assist where needed, including counsellors, psychologists, doctors, and many other experts to add to the client’s “team.”

The Brutally Honest system was created specifically to address these unique aspects of family law cases and the emotions attendant to them. From the initial meeting with a client, I identify the individual’s fears, concerns and goals. Through an array of techniques learned over decades of training, practice and real-life implementation, I begin immediately to change a client’s “state,” from one of fear, concern or any other negative “state,” to one of empowerment, focus and clarity, toward a compelling future for the individual and for his or her child(ren) and family. Beginning at the very first meeting, and continuing through every successive meeting, clients encounter an approach that brings them high energy, focus, passion, empathy and many other techniques designed to radically change that individual’s emotions, attitude and beliefs. This experience works to put our clients at ease, reduce their fears, and redirect their energy and efforts toward the positive, empowering and uplifting pursuits that will serve the best interest of the clients, their child(ren), their family, and their compelling future. Unlike other standard “consultations,” under the Brutally Honest system, from the very first meeting, clients often find themselves confronting underlying emotions, fears, addictions and conditions that have been bottled-up for some time. It is my job to develop the trust, respect and rapport with the client so that she or he feels comfortable and confident in opening up to me. Once she or he does, the results are transformative. While this realization presents itself in ways that are highly emotional for the client, it is the courage to address these very real emotions and concerns that is the first step toward creating the individual’s compelling future.

Through decades of practicing family law, the system described above has evolved and now appears in books that describe the system itself, and that provide practical tools and techniques allowing individuals to replicate on their own much of what is done in my live, in-person meetings. Jim Grim and I wrote The Brutally Honest Life Management Journal specifically for that purpose. The Journal outlines the “Brutally Honest” process, and allows the reader to engage in a self-guided journey to reconnect to what matters most in his or her life. Once that connection is made, the individual is equipped and empowered to move forward with the rest of his or her life. I followed the first book with “The Brutally Honest Pennsylvania Divorce & Custody Survival Guide,” intended for my clients and potential clients, but available below as free download. Currently, I am working on the soon to be released “Brutally Honest Guide to ‘Sur-thriving’ Generation Now.” This website also features other books, blogs, video clips and tools designed to help our clients navigate the tumultuous waters and treacherous rapids they may encounter in the context of their family law case. Our goal is to make all of these tools available to our clients to assist them in finding calm waters, and moving on with a new chart and clear sailing in a way that has radically and positively changed their life and the lives of their family members.

It is our mission at LaMonaca Law to provide extra value that goes well beyond the basic representation a client may find at another firm. We do that with our unique Brutally Honest System, our team approach, the experience of our several, multiple-year award winning “top attorneys,” as highlighted in various magazines, our extensive list of outside resources, experts, and professionals, including our forensic support team, the advantages of our VAKOG technology employing video and audio resources to provide clients with valuable insight for trial presentation, cutting-edge and imaginative innovation, technology, information, and our personal and professional commitment to the principle and practice known as “CANI,” for “constant and never-ending improvement.” To this end, my personal library consists of thousands of books on personal development, psychology, technology, law, innovation and many other topics. Combining the library with the thousands of hours of audio seminars, podcasts, videos, and attendance at some of the most prestigious personal-development seminars throughout the country presents a fuller picture and a better sense of the “ingredients” making me who I am, of why the Brutally Honest system was created, and of how LaMonaca Law is prepared and empowered to assist you with your unique family law needs.
Lastly, I want to extend my personal thanks to each and every one of my past, current and future clients, who give me the fuel, the passion and the desire to make a difference in their lives, and who allow me the privilege of playing a part in creating their own compelling futures.

With Sincerity and in Gratitude,
Gregory P. LaMonaca, Esquire

Do not make another move until you have read:

“The Pennsylvania Divorce, Custody & Financial Survival Guide”!

Do you know the Seven critical recommended steps you should consider before filing for divorce or proceeding with Custody in Pennsylvania?
Award winning attorney and nationally recognized author, Gregory P. LaMonaca, Esquire, has devised a one-of-a kind system that he reveals in this book to help readers get through one of the most challenging & difficult experiences of their lives… DIVORCE and CUSTODY.
We all like to think that our vows and love for a spouse will last forever, but when things go wrong, and one or both people agree to end things, whether amicably or not, divorce is rarely tidy or clean. Feelings, emotions, and pain can hinder the exercise of your common sense, or things can take a wrong turn over trivial differences. Couples who have children will also have life altering custody decisions to make.


This book gives you the power to make better decisions. Do not become a victim in your divorce. Establish your position early. This book will empower you and teach you how!

Listen to JIM GRIM’S Story:
Prior to meeting Greg, I tried to work with my former spouse to settle our differences directly between us, and with only limited legal counsel. As I tried to do so, I truly believed that we might get back together, and this belief tempered my judgment and clouded my vision. I ended up signing an agreement I never should have signed, and did so without the correct legal counsel. At the time, I felt that I knew how to negotiate, and I thought it all made sense. I was, however, completely unaware of the long term legal ramifications and other consequences, which turned out to cause me great personal pain and anguish, and to cost me so very much financially. Had I retained Greg’s services before I signed the Agreement, I would have saved myself countless nights of anguish, as well as large sums of money.” – JAMES GRIM, IconicEntrepreneur

Save thousands of dollars, hours, and headaches in your divorce and/or custody matter(s)!

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Are you wondering what you can learn from Gregory LaMonaca’s “BRUTALLY HONEST” book? Discover significant and important elements of the legal process that will literally save you countless hours of time, hassle, and money.
Learn how the present laws affect your case, to determine the best course of action
Discover the most brilliant way of “Unlocking your emotional Vault” to your current circumstances,so as to learn from your past, assess the present, and plan for your future and that of your children
“Brighten your path” to a successful outcome through tangible knowledge of the law
Learn how to protect your children and their well-being when facing custody disputes
Learn how to focus on what you can control and not on what you cannot control
Learn how to best hire a team of professional family law attorneys to advise and guide you through the process
PLUS… self-improvement strategies to help you regain confidence through a difficult divorce and/or custody process
DIVORCE AND CUSTODY DECISIONS ARE NEVER EASY… but by empowering yourself with knowledge and engaging in the correct preparation, you can increase the likelihood of a smooth and favorable outcome.

Do not wait until your divorce or custody matter becomes a disaster! Consider this book as a proactive step toward, and protective measure of, your road to empowerment. Get through with your divorce and/or custody matter as painlessly as possible.

Download your copy now, do not delay!

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“I am honored and humbled to be able to serve you by way of this book and the other items mentioned above. I welcome the opportunity to be of assistance to you, your family and friends, should the need arise. Until then, live each day with purpose, passion, pride and love.”
Gregory P. LaMonaca, Esquire


Our experienced Family Law Attorneys are ready to help you.

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