Divorce; Something you didn’t plan
No one gets married with the expectation of getting divorced some day in the future. You make a commitment to share life with someone and start a family and dream about the life you’ll lead together as you grow old alongside one another. When you promise to love and cherish someone for the rest of your life, you don’t picture what it will be like to be alone again. And there’s no manual on how to get through the divorce process and put your life back together. And then there are the questions; Custody of the Children, equitably dividing the marital assets and debts, alimony and Child Support… If you are going through one now or are thinking about getting a divorce, the attorneys at LaMonaca Law are there for you during the roller-coaster of emotions. You need a divorce attorney that can take a look at your specific situation and give you advice based on it, rather than approach it with a “one size fits all” mindset. Your specific situation will be individual to you and your marriage and the way your life was set up during the marriage. This might entail major financial decisions regarding retirement funds, property, child support and custody, and alimony. Each attorney at LaMonaca Law will work with you to help you decide how you want to tackle these elements of your marriage and divorce, while also providing guidance and support. They will be able to lead you through the process while keeping you from procrastinating and surrendering into pressure. They’ll also be able to help ensure you get a fair case and trial should you need to go to court. Lastly, they’ll be able to help you find the freedom and new life you are seeking – one that is entirely on your terms. It takes great strength to survive this painful experience and we see you.
“Courage doesn’t mean you are not afraid of difficult situations. It means you have the ability to overcome and move forward in spite of that fear.”
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