I need help with my family law case, where can I go for help?
Imagine having your child taken from you by your ex with the help of the courts. Imagine having your child kept from you for months, with no relief in sight, and an attorney who tells you to be patient without really listening to your valid concerns or offering solutions.
How did you get here, and how do you move forward? Looking back, your marriage was ending. You and your husband are having a heated argument, and it gets ugly. There’s some minor pushing and shoving, and you decide to leave the house to bring an end to the situation. Your husband then goes to court. He claims he and the child are being abused by you, and he gets an order preventing you from returning to the home or seeing the children. You’re shocked. How could this happen? Why did no one ask you what really happened? How did he get such an order without you even having a chance to give your side of the story? This needs to be corrected! You need to jump into action, and you hire an attorney. Maybe you didn’t have time to look at reviews and get recommendations from trusted friends. Maybe you hired the first attorney you could get on the phone. You try to convey your sense of urgency to your attorney; you try to get her to understand the grave injustice that was done, and how your child is being harmed through not being able to see you. Your child must be scared and confused. Why isn’t Mommy here? What is Dad telling him? He needs love and attention, and you aren’t even allowed to see him. This isn’t right!
But you get the feeling that your attorney isn’t really listening. You get periodic updates that your day in court has been delayed again, that these things happen. You don’t get a plan of action. Your valid concerns are brushed aside and you’re told to just be patient.
What can you do? You deserve an attorney who listens to you, who understands your needs and helps you formulate clear goals with a plan of action to achieve those goals. You don’t need to hear about what cannot be done, you need to hear about what can be done and what will be done.
At LaMonaca Law, our experienced team of seasoned family law practitioners treat our clients with the respect they deserve. We’re not here to tell you what to do, but rather to assist you with clearly defining goals, and working together to achieve those goal. If this story resonates with you in any way, call us today. We’re here to listen. We’re here to help. Click or Call 610-892-3877
The information above is provided for general information purposes only. It may not represent the current law in your particular jurisdiction. Nothing in this post is to be viewed as advice from LaMonaca Law or the individual author. It is not to be a substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter. No one reading this post should act or refrain from acting based on the above information or information accessible through this post without first seeking the appropriate legal counsel on the particular facts and circumstances of one’s particular case from an attorney licensed to practice in one’s own state, country, or other appropriate licensing jurisdiction. Any information contained within is not about nor does it include any facts about any particular client of LaMonaca Law or the individual author.