Is it Really “Cheaper to Keep Her?”
Everyone has heard that it’s “cheaper to keep her,” but, is it really? Many married couples do not divorce because the unsatisfied spouse is in a better financial position and does not want to risk losing their wealth. While one can expect for their spouse to get at least half of the marital estate in circumstances where they have significantly more assets, there are many things to consider before tolerating an unhealthy or unsatisfying marriage to avoid financial consequence.
While finances are an important consideration, it is also necessary to weigh the emotional toll of staying in an unsatisfying marriage. Is it worth remaining in an unhappy, stressful, or abusive marriage to maintain one’s wealth? What is the emotional cost of doing so and how much is your mental health worth? Often, reducing stress and improving your mental health is worth the financial impact of a divorce in the long term.
Additionally, it may not be as dire as one may think. It is worthwhile to speak to an experienced family law attorney to determine exactly what you would be risking by proceeding with a divorce. Every case is different, and we can help to determine what a likely outcome would be so an informed decision can be made.
Is it really cheaper to keep her? It may not be. Call us to discuss your situation at 610-892-3877.