The Media Blitz of Celebrity Divorces
Recently, details of many celebrity divorces have been making headlines. The lives of the rich and famous are constantly making national news, even for the mundane details of their day-to-day lives like what actresses wear when they take their children to the park. The juicy details of celebrity divorce, then, are media gold.
In the last week alone, the following celebrity divorces have made headlines:
Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale/Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert
- Gavin Rossdale had an affair with the parties’ nanny, leading to the divorce of Gwen Stefani and Rossdale. Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert also divorced and is now dating Stefani! As far as the media can tell, Shelton and Stefani have “won” their respective divorces.
Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams
- Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams have no children, but do have eight pets. Aside from dividing the parties’ assets, Moore requesting that Adams pay her attorney’s fees, and determining spousal support, a key issue in this matter is whether Adams will need to contribute to the care of the parties six cats and two dogs on top of the nearly $40,000.00 due each month in spousal support.
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner
- Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s demise, like that of Stefani and Rossdale, involved Affleck’s nanny-related indiscretions. Now, in the face of the release of ‘Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice,’ panic has ensued as the studio fears that Affleck’s personal life and the media blitz surrounding his affair will damage profits.
Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas
- Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas are officially divorce, and Banderas has been ordered to pay $65,000.00 a month to Griffith in spousal support which is more than most of us regular folks bank in a year.
Every divorce is complex, emotionally complicated, and full of logistical issues regarding finances; however, celebrity divorces have the additional elements of being in the public eye and endless assets to divide. The media and the public simply can’t get enough of the details of these high profile separations.
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