My Gray Divorce
My husband I were married for 35 years. I must acknowledge that he was a wonderful provider and father to our 3 children. Through the years we had our ups and downs but we also had a loving family but when our last child moved out of the house it became increasingly apparent that without the children in the house we found little to discuss and/or agree upon. We moved through the motions as we had been trained to do for so many years until one fateful day, he came to me and asked for a divorce. He revealed that he had been having an affair that he did not plan on but to be fair to me and all involved he felt he could no longer continue in this marriage. Initially I was shocked, hurt, and angry but then I realized that although we had shown love for each other over the years we had not shown each other that we are in love with one another. So I let him know I was going to be amicable about this divorce but I wanted confirmation that he would continue to protect me through my older years as he was always the main the provider and I had only worked part time and raised the children, as we had always agreed this would be the best method for raising our family. He controlled all bank accounts, retirement funds, etc. I was always able to utilize any funds I needed but he was in control, so I realized I really had no idea what assets we had accrued over the years. I also wanted to ensure that we did this amicably so that we could continue to keep our family intact and the children, although grown, would not have to pick sides or suffer because of our decisions. He had agreed to make arrangements and promised that I would be treated fairly.
Well, 2 years later and several courts dates under our belt the tone of the divorced had changed. Suddenly he was no longer interested in my welfare but rather when to book his next trip with his new significant other while I struggled to maintain keeping my head above water. My attorney, who I had trusted with my future, continued to assure me they were doing all things possible to protect me and hold him accountable for the proper division of marital assets. I was losing myself in this divorce process and just needed to know what was going to happen. It was through this frustration that I decided to reach out and consult with other attorneys. Upon reaching LaMonaca Law, and after my first brief conversation with an attorney, I knew there were other routes to go in moving forward with this process that I had not been made aware of. I then decided to take charge of my life and hired LaMonaca Law. I was able to communicate with my attorney my fears and hopes for the future. We made a clear path going forward and I understood what the process was going to be. Suddenly, I began to see results. Court Orders for him to produce discovery and then my attorney made sure he was held accountable to these Courts Orders. Now that assets had begun to be realized and my monthly support was increased, he soon began to understand that he was no longer in charge of OUR marital assets. During this time, he also damaged his relationship with his children as they soon became aware of his actions and the repercussions that directly affected my ability to live as I had always been able.
Now, the divorce settlement and Decree are 2 years behind us, and he continues to struggle with his relationship with his children. I, on the other hand, have never been happier and have found things in life that I forgot I enjoyed. I am so grateful to have found LaMonaca Law as they were there for me during my darkest times, worked relentlessly to protect what was rightfully mine and did so in a compassionate yet professional manner.
I implore anyone who may be facing any family law matter to make LaMonaca Law your first and last stop. To speak with one of our attorney, click or call 610-892-3877
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