Learn how LaMonaca Law’s new Strategic Planning program can revolutionize your family law matter.Read More
Learn how LaMonaca Law’s new Strategic Planning program can revolutionize your family law matter.Read More


For over 25 years, LaMonaca Law has been at the forefront of family law, serving clients throughout the Main Line and beyond. As such, we take our responsibility to our team members, clients, and community very seriously. It has always been our goal to not only stay ahead of the curve, but to define its bend.

The most recent Coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of fear and uncertainty, crippling families and communities as both the virus and reaction to same spreads. While it is our hope that this will all be a distant memory in the very near future, we will continue to be proactive in our response until such time.

Within our offices, each and every team member participates in several daily updates and shares any and all information that may affect the health of our families and community. We are following the CDC’s recommendations for health, safety, and cleanliness. To that end. we participate in daily cleaning and disinfecting of all workplace surfaces and areas of contact. Any team members who are sick are strongly encouraged to stay home until symptoms subside. We have also implemented a “no handshake policy” throughout the firm, in addition to all other best practices as recommended by the Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization.

What we are most proud of is our ability through all of this to continue serving our clients to the same extent through our “Virtual LaMonaca Law” office. Our technology allows our team members to work seamlessly from anywhere on the globe, as if physically at the office. Individual and group meetings can take place by phone, video, or web-conference. In addition to implementing these measures throughout the firm, we are proud to extend these options to our clients who are practicing social distancing or are otherwise leery of public spaces during this time. Should any of our clients prefer phone or video-based meetings, we are happy to offer this virtual service to accommodate that preference.

Our commitment to you remains the same. At LaMonaca Law, we do not have “employees.” we have “team members.” As a valued client, you are an important member of the LaMonaca Law team.

As we as a country continue to work through and monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) evolution, we promise to do our part, within our communities and beyond, to be leaders and a calming force during these uncertain times. Lastly, on behalf of our entire LaMonaca Law family, we wish you and your family good health and happiness.

Very truly yours.
The LaMonaca Law Team




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